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This coming to steam


Steam version available here

Thanks, again!

It's a fun game so far for me, but the game is too large to fit on my computer screen, the music stops after a while during the battles, and occasionally the game will completely crash and shutdown the window.

Personally I would like to see unique game over scenes with the unique enemies.


We're currently working on supporting smaller resolutions. Hopefully a patch that adds this should go out today.

The music is something we can fix, but likely in the update afterwards.

As for the crash, could you look for a logs folder next to the .exe, and share with us the log file with the crash? This would help us figure out the cause and fix it.


A new update is now released that fixes the small resolution issue. The game should now properly scale to any window size, and should be playable on smaller monitors/resolutions without any problems.


Finally managed to finish it, music still stops at a certain time, but there were no crashes whatsoever.  Gameplay was easier this time around, (especially since I got the hang of how it works), and the only time I lost was when I actively tried to lose, not that there was much incentive to lose.

That's good to hear :) We'll fix the music issue in a new update, it hasn't been fixed yet because it's a bit tricky, but it's the next thing we'll work on, together with an image gallery.

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hi, that’s strange, what version of windows and GPU do you have?

edit: We just released an update that adds extra logging. If the game crahes there should be a "logs" folder right next to the .exe.

You can check the right version in the bottom left corner in the main menu, it should show at least 1.1.4.